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Oriano |
... La mia valigia...
Sicuramente devo ringraziare Oriano per l’aiuto che mi ha dato in questi cinquantadue anni a portarla. Con amore e tanta pazienza, mi ha insegnato ad elaborare tante cose -alcune molto scomode-, ad alleggerirla, ad accettare e dare un senso alle delusioni e le carenze subite e/o patite nei primi 20 anni della mia vita.
.... La mia valigia... Ho sempre detto, e lo ribadisco, che non tornerei mai indietro. Certo, ho avuto una bella e sana famiglia, una famiglia benestante anche
se non ricca, che non mi ha certo negato né fatto mancare quello che
‘dovevo avere’, come diceva mia madre; Oggi però, se torno con la mente
al passato, mi rendo conto che ho, non pochi black-out e che ci sono episodi,
persone e fatti di cui gli altri, in famiglia, parlano e di cui io non ricordo assolutamente nulla. Ma quelli che mi sono davvero mancati e che sarebbero state delle "ali" per la mia valigia, sono i gesti di amore, di affetto e di calore umano: la consapevolezza di essere stata amata dai miei. Ma come è nel mio carattere, vado avanti e mi divertirò a raccontare quanto mi torna in mente, girovagando da un posto ad un altro...
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Palma 1967: noi due con Alexandra - the two of us with Alexandra |
...In my seventy-three years of life, I have understood that to each of us is assigned a 'suitcase' ( I explain this concept in the letter to Oriana and AlbiLeo at the end of the book) that parents, ancestors, friends, acquaintances and experiences have filled with joys and sorrows, with optimism and pessimism, with selfishness and altruism, with positivity and negativity, with love and hate ... and this suitcase makes us what we are.
Fortunately, during life some (many?) will then help you carrying this suitcase, enhancing the good and right things and, what is more important, help you to recognize, accept and live with the less positive part of your suitcase....
My suitcase... I must certainly thank Oriano for the help he has given me to carry it in these fifty-two years together. With love and a lot of patience, he taught me to process many things - some very uncomfortable -, to lighten it, to ease the "load", to accept and give meaning to the disappointments and shortcomings suffered in the first 20 years of my life....
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Oriano |
My suitcase... It has been a heavy one. For many years I have often dragged it more than carrying it. I have always said, and I still repeat it, that I would never go back to childhood and youth. Of course, I had a beautiful and healthy family, a wealthy family although not really rich, which certainly did not deny me or made me miss what 'I had to have', as my mother used to say; Today, however, if I go back to the past, I realize that I have, not just a few blackouts and that there are episodes, people and facts that others, in the family, talk about and that I absolutely don't remember. But what I really missed and that would have given "wings" to my suitcase, were the gestures of love, affection and human warmth: the certainty of being loved by my parents. But, as it is in my character, I have been going on - and I still do- and I will be happy telling everything that comes back to mind, wandering from one place to another…