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Written by Dorikri
Bastiaan (1965): Nasce quando mio padre aveva già cinquantadue anni (aveva sempre tenuto presente il fatto che lo avrebbe lasciato orfano giovane, e così fu).
Mio padre era da sempre preoccupato perché in casa c’erano solo femmine e
l’erede maschio doveva esserci, sia per il nome della famiglia, per un titolo e per una eredità da tramandare.
Finalmente dopo ben 6 femmine arriva questo mio fratello. Poteva essere chiamato solo Bas, come mio Nonno paterno.
Creò non pochi pensieri a mio padre.
Sin da piccolo aveva mostrato un solo interesse: l’acqua; a Bas non piaceva lo studio, ma solo l’acqua e gli mancavano solo le dita palmate per essere un pesce. Da piccolissimo viveva in acqua, non c’era assolutamente nulla che
lo spaventasse; a Maiorca si infilava in grotte e anfratti a qualsiasi profondità. Da subito ci fu chiaro che avrebbe ‘lavorato’ con l’acqua ma mio padre, fino alla sua morte, insisteva: “ Farai quello che vorrai, ma prima voglio che tu prenda un pezzo di carta da mettere nel cassetto”.
Cosi, anche se malvolentieri, due anni dopo la morte di nostro padre, Bas si laureò, mettendo quel pezzo di carta nel cassetto...
Prima se ne andò in Costa Rica per poi finire in Egitto, dove visse fino alla sua prematura morte, a Dahab, tra alberghi, scuola di sub e stamperia di t-shirt e felpe per una nota marca di prodotti per sub; sposò Collette Goldsmith (1963) e nacquero due figli, Hannah (2003) e Sebastian (2005) l'ultimo della discendenza van den Brandeler, che non può ricordare suo padre visto che aveva solo sei mesi quando Bas morì.
Qualche anno fa Collette si è risposata e ne sono molto felice.
Bastiaan (1965-2005): my father was already fifty-two when he was born.
The fact that he was so old has always been his major concern: before my brother's birth, Brandy's worries were about the fact that there were only females in our house.
He (and my grand-father) definitely wanted a male heir for both the family name and title and the future of an inheritance.
So this boy could only be called Bastiaan like his grand-father, we all called him Bas.
Can you imagine a little boy in a house with only females!
He definitely was spoiled... and he always has been.
He did not like studying but he loved...water! His only real interest was swimming!
He only missed webbed fingers and toes and for the rest, he was a fish.
Nothing underwater could frighten him.
In Mallorca, already when he was 5 or 6 years old, he used to disappear into underwater caves and ravines at any depth.
He could stay underwater a hell of a time.
My father insisted and constantly used to repeat: "You may do what you want but only after you graduate. Then you may then through your certificate into a drawer if you want..."
Two years after my father's death, Bas graduated (something to do with economics), he threw the certificate into a drawer and left first to Costa Rica and then to Egypt where he lived until his early death...
In Dahab he opened a diving-school, he managed a hotel and he also had a factory for printing diving brands on t-shirts and sweatshirts.
He was just 40 when he died. In the meantime, he had married Collette and had had two children.
A girl named Hannah (2003) and a boy named Sebastian (2005).
He is the heir of the family van den Brandeler though he cannot remember his father as he was 6 months old when Bas passed away.
Written by Dorikri
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Bastiaan |
Mio padre era da sempre preoccupato perché in casa c’erano solo femmine e
l’erede maschio doveva esserci, sia per il nome della famiglia, per un titolo e per una eredità da tramandare.
Finalmente dopo ben 6 femmine arriva questo mio fratello. Poteva essere chiamato solo Bas, come mio Nonno paterno.
Creò non pochi pensieri a mio padre.
Sin da piccolo aveva mostrato un solo interesse: l’acqua; a Bas non piaceva lo studio, ma solo l’acqua e gli mancavano solo le dita palmate per essere un pesce. Da piccolissimo viveva in acqua, non c’era assolutamente nulla che
lo spaventasse; a Maiorca si infilava in grotte e anfratti a qualsiasi profondità. Da subito ci fu chiaro che avrebbe ‘lavorato’ con l’acqua ma mio padre, fino alla sua morte, insisteva: “ Farai quello che vorrai, ma prima voglio che tu prenda un pezzo di carta da mettere nel cassetto”.
Cosi, anche se malvolentieri, due anni dopo la morte di nostro padre, Bas si laureò, mettendo quel pezzo di carta nel cassetto...
Prima se ne andò in Costa Rica per poi finire in Egitto, dove visse fino alla sua prematura morte, a Dahab, tra alberghi, scuola di sub e stamperia di t-shirt e felpe per una nota marca di prodotti per sub; sposò Collette Goldsmith (1963) e nacquero due figli, Hannah (2003) e Sebastian (2005) l'ultimo della discendenza van den Brandeler, che non può ricordare suo padre visto che aveva solo sei mesi quando Bas morì.
Qualche anno fa Collette si è risposata e ne sono molto felice.
Bastiaan (1965-2005): my father was already fifty-two when he was born.
The fact that he was so old has always been his major concern: before my brother's birth, Brandy's worries were about the fact that there were only females in our house.
He (and my grand-father) definitely wanted a male heir for both the family name and title and the future of an inheritance.
So this boy could only be called Bastiaan like his grand-father, we all called him Bas.
Can you imagine a little boy in a house with only females!
He definitely was spoiled... and he always has been.
He did not like studying but he loved...water! His only real interest was swimming!
He only missed webbed fingers and toes and for the rest, he was a fish.
Nothing underwater could frighten him.
In Mallorca, already when he was 5 or 6 years old, he used to disappear into underwater caves and ravines at any depth.
He could stay underwater a hell of a time.
My father insisted and constantly used to repeat: "You may do what you want but only after you graduate. Then you may then through your certificate into a drawer if you want..."
Two years after my father's death, Bas graduated (something to do with economics), he threw the certificate into a drawer and left first to Costa Rica and then to Egypt where he lived until his early death...
In Dahab he opened a diving-school, he managed a hotel and he also had a factory for printing diving brands on t-shirts and sweatshirts.
He was just 40 when he died. In the meantime, he had married Collette and had had two children.
A girl named Hannah (2003) and a boy named Sebastian (2005).
He is the heir of the family van den Brandeler though he cannot remember his father as he was 6 months old when Bas passed away.
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